Design and maintain the Region website to make it attractive to visitors and members.

  1. Website should include officer’s names and a means of contacting them. Coordinate
    website content (calendar, event photos, articles, social media links, classifieds, etc.) with the
    Board, Membership Chair, Activities Chair, Social Media Coordinator, Newsletter Editor,
    and others, as needed, providing frequent updates that serve the interest of the Region
  2. Perform routine site maintenance that includes upgrades, security patches, archives, and
  3. Maintain website login credentials, hosting information, and domain registry information as
    documented in the Region Redbook.
  4. Appoint a co-admin to provide for continuity during vacations, illness, emergencies, etc. Co
    admins shall assist and become thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the Region’s website
    and web development initiatives.
  5. Acts as a point of contact for other Region webmasters and Website development.
    Coordinates the Region’s entry in the National Website Contest. See Website Contest Rules
    on the Forms and Documents page at

Region Procedures Manual